End/Future Artist Commissions
Four artists explore the major theme of the End/Future programme – environmental collapse – through a series of new moving image works presented here for the first time.
These commissions are part of our End/Future programme - click here to see the full programme of films, events and artist commissions.
While Smoke Signals, It Was So Beautiful and Nuclear Salt see established artists provoke us to rethink our relationship with the sounds of emergency, cinematic visualisations of the natural world and the disposal of nuclear waste, and For Whom The Water Flows is a sharp debut from an open call for artists aged 16-19. The award-winning VR film To Miss The Ending was commissioned by Tyneside Cinema in 2020 and went on to screen at the Sundance Film Festival in 2021.
Artist Commission: While Smoke Signals
Artist Commissions: While Smoke Signals + For Whom the Water Flows
Artist Commission: It was so Beautiful
Artist Commissions: While Smoke Signals + It was so Beautiful + For Whom the Water Flows
Artist Commission: Nuclear Salt