Terms & Conditions

These are our terms and conditions of sale, this applies to any transaction you enter into with us - so, please read carefully.

When you book for a film screening, event or workshop at Tyneside Cinema all sales are considered final and you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. Memberships and donations are non-refundable.


Tyneside Cinema has a zero tolerance policy regarding visitor’s behaviour towards staff. All visitors to the venue must agree to treat all our staff and fellow customers with respect and courtesy.

If we deem behaviour to be unacceptable, we reserve the right to refuse any ticket holder admission to (and/or eject such person from) a screening or event without issuing a refund.

Unauthorised use of recording equipment of any kind (including mobile phones and tablets) is not permitted in the auditoria.

Mobile phones, pagers, alarms or other noise-making items must be switched off or turned to silent before the start of a film screening or event.

We reserve the right to demand a customer leaves the building without issuing a refund.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to the building.

Your Arrival

Please bear in mind there will be queues at the Box Office for busy screenings and events. To ensure you do not miss any part of a film or event we advise you arrive in good time to collect your ticket(s) and find your seats.

Book through our website to avoid queueing at the Box Office then go directly to the screen and present your e-ticket(s) on your mobile device.

Latecomers will be admitted at the discretion of the duty management team.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have purchased the correct ticket(s). Please contact our Box Office as soon as possible and in advance of the event if you believe an error has been made, otherwise it may not be possible to correct.

Proof and ID

In accordance with our licensing agreement all our films are classified based on the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) guidelines.

We may request sight of a valid form of ID as proof of age for any screening or event & will refuse entry to any customer who is unable to provide ID when asked.

Valid proof for any tickets purchased at concessionary rate must be presented at the cinema before entering the screening/event or collecting tickets from the Box Office. We reserve the right to charge the full price of admission or refuse entry.

We reserve the right to refuse any ticket holder entry to (and/or eject such person from) a screening or event without issuing a refund.

Cancellations and Changes

We will always endeavour to ensure that screenings and events take place in accordance with the advertised programme, and provide notice in the event of any advance changes or cancellations. However, we reserve the right to cancel a screening or event, and substitute with an alternative programme, or vary the timings if forced to do so by circumstances beyond our control.

We regret that no refunds can be given under any circumstances, except where a screening or event is cancelled or its timing changed substantially, Tyneside Cinema’s liability will be restricted at our discretion, to the refund of the cost of the ticket(s) purchased, or to provide replacement tickets of similar value to an alternative screening at the cinema.

Tyneside Cinema reserves the right to request all visitors to leave the venue at any point on reasonable grounds (including but not limited to health and safety concerns, aggressive behaviour, or if we believe other customers’ security or enjoyment is at risk). Ticket holders agree to adhere to any safety announcements and venue regulations.

All ticket prices and discounts are subject to availability, and can be changed and/or withdrawn without prior notice, and do not apply to tickets that have already been purchased. Tyneside Cinema reserves the right to introduce special offers or any price changes without prior notice.

Discounts and Concessions

To view all of the available discount and concessions please view our tickets & booking page, here.

To qualify for the £2 ticket for refugees, asylum seekers, those receiving Job Seekers Allowance, Employment & Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment you will be asked to present evidence every three months on arrival at Box Office.


Tyneside Cinema reserves the right to change the cost of the membership at any time.


Membership discount applies to full price Cinema tickets only and is not applied in conjunction with any other concessions or promotional offers.

For certain special screenings that we price at a lower rate than standard, the value of the discount may be slightly reduced.

Occasionally for special screenings and events, membership discounts may not apply.


Limits and exclusions apply to friends membership free tickets for certain screenings and events. The following exceptions apply:

  • Free tickets are only redeemable for screenings priced at our regular rate or lower.
  • Circle seating in the Classic is excluded.
  • Free tickets are not redeemable for any screenings of It’s a Wonderful Life.
  • On occasion a film’s distributor may prohibit us from offering free tickets for their feature for a specified amount of time after the feature is released. When this is the case we will endeavour to mark the film as Free List Suspended on our website, and free membership tickets will not be redeemable for that feature until the free list suspension period has ended.
  • Your Friends Membership free ticket allocation is only valid for use during the membership period in which they are issued. Any unclaimed free tickets cannot be carried forward into your next membership period.


Membership discount in Bar Cafe, Vicolo and our Cinema concession points is solely for the use of the membership holder and applies only to their food and drink purchase. Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with promotional offers.

Valid proof of membership must be presented to claim your discount at the Cinema, Bar Cafe and Vicolo.


Tyneside Cinema reserves the right to refuse bookings for Venue Hire.


The three-month free MUBI subscription is available exclusively to new MUBI subscribers.


Joint memberships can be used by up to two registered individuals. If you wish to change who is registered on the joint membership or switch to a single membership, please get in touch with Box Office.

Tyneside Cinema Baby Club

Entry to our Tyneside Baby Club is only for adults with a baby 12 months and under.

Ticket holders who have any special requirements or concerns about a film or event are encouraged to inform the cinema in advance.

Tyneside Kids Club

Adults may only attend Tyneside Kids Club screenings if accompanying children.


When making a booking with us we will create an account on our Box Office system. By making a booking you consent to your personal information being stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Tyneside Cinema will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of data within this process.

Tickets are sold subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and any subsequent amendments. For more information on this read our Privacy Policy.

Tyneside Cinema reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior warning.

Venue Hire

Tyneside Cinema General Terms and Conditions – Business and Corporate

1. Preliminary

Save as otherwise expressed stated herein, these terms and conditions apply to all conference, private hire, film screenings, meetings or any other function bookings (herein after referred to as “the event”).

2. Definitions

In these terms and conditions the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

“The Cinema” means The Tyneside Cinema, the company and its employees.

“Film screening spaces” means The Classic, The Electra, The Roxy, The Gallery and The Digital Lounge.

‘The Tyneside Bar Cafe’ means the ground floor Bar Cafe.

“Meeting Spaces” means Headspace and The Figgis.

“The public spaces” means stairways, landings, toilets and any area within the building which is accessible to members of the public.

“The contract” means the agreement between the Tyneside Cinema and the client in relation to the event incorporating the conditions and any amendments agreed in writing.

“The conditions” means the special conditions specified in the booking together with these general terms and conditions so far as the same are consistent with any special conditions.

“The schedule date” means the first date upon which the film screening spaces are used in relation to the event.

3. Offer and Acceptance

The document shall constitute a quotation by the Cinema in relation to the Event subject to the terms and conditions. The signing and returning of both copies of this document by the client shall constitute an order by the client which shall only be binding upon the Cinema if it is accepted in writing.

1.No variation waiver or supplement to the conditions shall be binding on the Cinema unless expressly authorised by the Cinema or otherwise authorised by the Cinema and the client in writing.

4. Advance Payment of Charges

1.A 50% deposit of the full costs of the event will be payable by the Client to the Cinema on receipt of invoice.

2.The outstanding balance will be due 14 days before the event takes place unless alternative arrangements have been agreed in writing.

5. Cancellation by the Client

If the client cancels the event the following charges will be due:

3 – 6 weeks = 50% of confirmed charges

0 – 2 weeks = 100% of confirmed charges

All cancellations must be made in writing to hiresandevents@tynesidecinema.co.uk

6. Cancellation by the Cinema

1.The Cinema shall have the right at any time (giving as much notice as reasonably possible to the client) to cancel in writing in the event that:

6.1.1 The film screening spaces or any part thereof are closed due to circumstances outside the control of the Cinema (without limitation) by reason of fire, flooding, unavailability or interruption of water, fuel, heat, light or any other power supplies mandatory or voluntary in compliance with a direction, request or order of any person appearing to have authority (local or national), strikes, lockouts or other labour disputes or shortages of staff, theft, terrorism, earthquake or civil unrest.

6.1.2 The client is unable to pay its debts (within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency act 1986) or if a receiver, liquidator or administrative receiver is appointed over the whole or any part of or in respect to of the client or if the client shall take any steps to be taken towards such appointment or if the cinema should have reasonable cause to suspect that the client will be unable to meet his obligations to the cinema.

6.1.3 The Client is more than 7 days in arrears with payment whatsoever owed by the client to the cinema.

2.If the contract is cancelled by the cinema any money paid by the client will be returned but in the cases of 6.1, 2 and 3 a deduction will be made for reasonable expenses if any.

7. Payment of Charges

1.All monies owed by the client to the cinema shall be due and payable within 14 days from the date of the invoice. In default of such payment the Cinema reserves the right to apply an interest to be payable in respect of the amount owed from the date of such an invoice at the rate of 2% per annum above the base lending rate of the Tyneside Cinemas bank.

2.The Cinema reserves the right at any time without notice to withhold, vary or withdraw credit facilities.

8. Information and Advertising

1.At the request of the Cinema, the client shall provide such information in relation to the Event as the Cinema deems necessary to enable the cinema to make a full assessment of its obligations in respect of the Event. Where requests have been made and have been complied with, the client shall have no rights to raise any objection in relation to the Event if the subject matter of any such objection was covered by such request.

2.If the general public are to be admitted to the Event, the Client shall not be entitled to use the name or trademark of the Cinema without prior written consent of the Cinema. No tickets, posters or any other advertising or promotional materials for the event may be used without prior written consent of the Cinemas. The granting of all such consents shall be the sole and unfettered discretion of the Cinema.

9. Use of Film Screening and Event Spaces

1.The Client shall procure that all persons attached or involved with the event shall comply with the following conditions; if the client fails to do so the Cinema reserves the right to stop or cancel the event.

9.1.1 Comply with all licensing, health, safety, hygiene and all other regulations relating to the Cinema and/or the Event

9.1.2 Not bring into the event space or public space any dangerous or hazardous items.

9.1.3 Not consume and foods or drinks in the event spaces which is not supplied by the Cinema or its duly authorised caterers without the prior consent of the Cinema.

9.1.4 Not allow the use of recording equipment in the film screening spaces unless authorised by the cinema.

9.1.5 Not act in an improper or disorderly manner.

9.1.6 Not allow gambling within the Cinema.

9.1.7 Not allow any decoration within the event space that may cause damage to the fixtures and fittings.

9.1.8 Not allow any smoking, the use of illegal substances or the selling of such substances.

9.2 Clients are permitted access to the function spaces for the allotted timeframe detailed in their contract, events that require an earlier access will need prior permission from the Cinema to do this.

9.3 Clients are expected to have vacated the function room by the confirmed end-time for the event, any event that runs over the allotted time and fails to vacate the space on time may incur additional charges.

9.4 Each function space has a limited capacity which the client will be notified of upon booking, the cinema is entitled to stop any event if they deem a space to have become unsafe and above its capacity.

10. Liability

10.1 The Cinema shall be liable to the Client and or any persons attending or involved with the event for injury to persons or loss or property only where and to the extent that such injury loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the Cinema. Save as aforesaid the Cinema shall have no liability whatsoever to the Client or any such person.

10.2 The Client shall be liable (without limitation) for the acts or omissions of the client and the clients guests for any injury, loss or damage suffered by the Cinema, its staff, contractors and other clients in relation to the event.

11. Damage

The client will be held responsible for any damage caused during the event. The cinema reserves the right to charge for any reasonable cleaning or damage repair costs caused by the actions of the client or any invited guests.

12. General

12.1 The Cinema will take all reasonable steps to hold the event to the best of its ability and in accordance with the contract but reserve the right to provide alternative services of at least the equivalent standard at no additional cost to the client.

12.2 To ensure that every event runs to the best possible standard the Cinema request that all media intended to be screened be submitted five days in advance of the event for testing. If the Client fails to provide this the Cinema reserves the right to host the Event or screen said footage.

12.3 The Client shall not be entitled to assign the contract to a third party whatsoever nor use the facilities other than for the purpose of the event.

12.3 The Cinema shall not be entitled to assume, in the absence of specific written notice to the contrary issued by the client, that all persons representing or purporting to represent the Client have the authority to enter into or vary the contract and to bind the client.

12.4 While the Cinema has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in its brochures, tariffs, leaflets or other advertising or promotional material is accurate, the same shall not be deemed to be a representation of warranty of the same the Cinema reserves the right to, alter, substitute or withdraw (with or without prior notice) and the Client shall raise no objection in relation thereof.

12.5 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the country in which the Cinema is situated.