Paris, 2004. Jesse (Ethan Hawke) reunites with Céline (Julie Deply) at a book reading for his bestseller, based on the romantic experience of the duo’s idyllic meeting in Vienna nine years prior. Rekindling their connection as they traverse the city’s picturesque surroundings, they discover how their respective lives have played out in the intervening years, and wishfully ponder what could have been…
In Linklater’s inspired romantic trilogy, we observe as Hawke and Delpy age with their respective characters over a sprawling 19-year time period, creating a profound emotional connection like no other in popular cinema. This gorgeous sequel spotlights the maturing couple as they contemplatively reflect on the youthful abandon of their 1995 Vienna get-together behind more experienced eyes, while also functioning as a wanderlust-inspiring travelogue of Paris.