A lonely, ageing movie star named Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and a conflicted newlywed, Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson), meet in Tokyo. Bob is there to film a Japanese whiskey commercial; Charlotte is accompanying her celebrity-photographer husband. Strangers in a foreign land, the two find escape, distraction and understanding amidst the bright Tokyo lights after a chance meeting in the quiet lull of the hotel bar. They form a connection that is as unlikely as it is heartfelt and meaningful.
A modern classic which ruminates on loneliness, relationships and the essential need for human connection, Lost In Translation is both a stunning escapist travelogue of Tokyo and an affecting character portrait of two strangers floating adrift, drawn towards one another. Sofia Coppola’s sophomore feature may well be her finest, most beloved cinematic achievement – with the sparking chemistry of Murray and Johansson making this a profound getaway to remember.